2012 Spring Extravaganza

We’ve just completed an all new collection for Spring 2012 and we are so excited to show it off to all of our friends and family! We have a few exhibits coming up that we would love for you to attend.

March 30th – Orange Leaf (849 SW 119th Street)

We’ll be exhibiting from 6-10PM on Friday, March 30th at Orange Leaf. This is the first showing of the newest collection. Bee’s Knees will receive 15% of all proceeds from yogurt sales!

April 13th – Paseo Exhibit @ Rainbow Fleet (3024 Paseo)

We’re excited to partner once again with our friends at Rainbow Fleet. We’ll be showing off our entire collection as well as selling some of our products from 6-10PM. Additionally, we’ll be auctioning off an original masterpiece by the artists of Bee’s Knees.

April 25th & 26th – Governor’s Conference on Developmental Disabilities

If you’re going to be at the Governor’s Conference, stop by to say hello!

April 27th – Today’s Therapy Solutions Open House (5534 N. Western)

We’ve been commissioned by our friends at Today’s Therapy Solutions (TTS) to create an entire collection to furnish their new office. This is our largest commercial project yet! Please stop by from 3-8PM to check out their new office and see the latest masterpieces by the artists of Bee’s Knees.

Interested in winning a Bee’s Knees original masterpiece?

We’re going to be giving away an original at the AutismOklahoma.org PieceWalk. Print off this form (BK Extravaganza) and bring it with you to any of the Bee’s Knees exhibits! For each exhibit you come to and obtain an official artist signature,  you will receive 10 free tickets to enter into a drawing that will take place at the PieceWalk. Additional tickets will be sold for $1 at the PieceWalk event. Stay tuned to see the painting we’ll be giving away!

A Very Sneaky Peek

The masterminds of Bee’s Knees have been working very hard on an all new original collection for Spring 2012! Check out some of our latest work!

“Lucky Days of Winning the Sweepstakes for the First Time” by David    “Number Management” by Ashley & Matt    “Out of Memory” by David Stay tuned, more photos of original works soon to come!

If you like what you see, you should consider coming to our exhibit at Orange Leaf  (849 SW 119th St) on Friday, March 30th from 6-11PM. It will be a great opportunity to check out some of the latest original masterpieces. Orange Leaf will be donated 15% of their proceeds from the evening to Bee’s Knees. Bring your friends and family!

Bee’s Knees @ Orange Leaf

2012 PieceWalk Kickoff Luncheon

On Tuesday we went to the 2012 AutismOklahoma.org PieceWalk Kickoff Luncheon and had a blast!

Brandon got to go on stage and tell everyone about Bee’s Knees and what the group is all about. Don’t be deceived by the picture of the cat in the background, Bee’s Knees is not about cats.

Then, David got to go on stage and tell everyone about a very special painting he’s been working on. It’s all about winning the sweepstakes – featuring four leaf clovers, a pot of gold, a rainbow, our friend Ginni, an affidavit, and a million dollar check.

David also told everyone about his thoughts on Bee’s Knees.

Brandon: “David, what’s your favorite part of Bee’s Knees?”

David: “Getting to do things I’ve never done before.”

After Brandon and David finished speaking, each member of Bee’s Knees received an Extremely Awesome Award – mainly for being extremely awesome.

After we received our awards, we mingled with all of our friends in the autism community.

We had a great time at the 2012 AutismOklahoma.org PieceWalk Kickoff Luncheon!