
Bee’s Knees Day Out (February 2012)

We’ve been working very hard at Bee’s Knees on an all new original collection for 2012. On Tuesday, February 21, we decided to take a break from our artwork and dedicate a whole day to just having fun.

First, we went to Brandon’s apartment in Oklahoma City, where we had pancakes, coffee, and orange juice. Our friend Zac met us there, he’s the one who took all of these phenomenal pictures.

After we ate breakfast at Brandon’s apartment, we went to the movies.

Then, when our movie was over, we took a trip up to Pops for lunch.

“David, what do you think of drinking from glass coke bottles?”

David – “Old technology.”

After we ate lunch, we packed up and went home. Our fun filled day was a great experience!

Bee’s Knees @ KSBI 52

On Thursday, February 9th, Bee’s Knees had an exclusive interview with KSBI. Click the link to check it out!

Super awesome all new exclusive Bee’s Knees interview with KSBI

We had a great time and are so glad for our new opportunity of being on TV.

After our interview, we went to Hideaway Pizza to celebrate our new opportunity. Our buddy, Matt, came to celebrate with us.

When our server found out about our exclusive interview, she asked us for our autographs. We were honored!

We had a great day and are so glad for our new friends at KSBI and Hideaway Pizza!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We spent a little time this morning talking about Valentine’s Day. Here’s what the masterminds of Bee’s Knees said would be their most romantic date…

David – Having cupid and more chocolates.

Allie – A date at my house, watch a movie, and then I give him his Valentine from me.

Chris – When you’re in love you watch movies.

Ashley – Go to hang out with my boyfriend and get engaged.

There you have it. We hope you have a very happy Valentine’s Day and the most romantic date ever.