Featured Item: Greeting Cards

Have you had a chance to check out our all new greeting cards? They’re the newest of the Bee’s Knees products and have arrived just in time for Valentine’s Day!

The cards feature original artwork by the artists of Bee’s Knees and all proceeds from greeting cards sold will benefit our program by helping us purchase supplies, further pursue forms of entrepreneurship, and fund social activities.

The cards are 4.25″ x 5.5″ and come in a set of 6 along with 6 natural colored envelopes. If you would like purchase a set of cards, please visit the shop section of our website or visit BeesKneesOnline on Esty.

Bee’s Knees @ Paseo Gallery Walk

On Friday, January 6th we had the privilege of exhibiting in Rainbow Fleet Childcare Resource and Referral for the Paseo Gallery Walk in Oklahoma City.

We primarily showcased digital prints of our original works, but also featured our 2012 calendars and all new greeting cards!

It was a great opportunity for the artists of Bee’s Knees to share about their masterpieces from their perspective.

We also had lots of friends and family come out to show support!

We also had a few very special friends come for a visit. We finally got to meet our new friends Daniel and Amyie Kao! They’re the owners of Mariposa Coffee Roastery and they donated several gallons of coffee for our event! They’re awesome!

The artists of Bee’s Knees even had the opportunity to personalize some of their work with special messages. Custom signatures are a must with every Bee’s Knees purchase.

We had a great time exhibiting at Rainbow Fleet for the Paseo Gallery Walk and we look forward to doing it more in the future! Thank you to all our friends and family who came out to support us!

If you would like to see more photos from the event, please check out the slideshow below:

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Bee’s Knees @ Early Bird Acres

Meet Samantha Lamb. She’s a photography and farming extraordinaire.  On Sunday, December 18th she invited us out to her farm, Early Bird Acres, for a holiday celebration.

We headed out to Hobart, OK and when we arrived, Sam had prepared a table for us to work on some Christmas projects (ornaments, cards, decorations, etc).

David made an ornament about feeling lucky. He has been very diligent about entering into an Acer computer giveaway. He feels pretty good about it.

One thing you should know about Samantha Lamb is that she is an animal lover and has lots of animals. In fact, she has some of the best animals. After we finished working on Christmas projects, Sam took us for a tour of her farm to meet all of her animal friends.

First, Sam introduced us to her chickens. David was especially thrilled about getting some quality time in with the chickens. He said that this was his favorite part of the trip.

After we met Sam’s chickens, we got to meet her donkeys. Sam taught us how to feed them apples. The donkeys loved it…

…and so did David.

Samantha Lamb also has a few tractors on her farm. I don’t know if you know this or not, but Matt loves tractors. They’re one of his favorite things. This was Matt’s favorite part.

After we finished taking a tour of the farm and meeting all of the animals, Samantha Lamb took us back to her house for a meal she had prepared. In fact, Sam had cooked a feast for us. We ate chicken noodle soup…

baked macaroni and cheese…


and cookies.

Our meal was also accompanied by apple cider and coffee. It was delicious.

After our feast, we packed up and headed back to El Reno. We had a great time and we are so excited about our new friend, Samantha Lamb.

If you would like to know more about Samantha Lamb, feel free to check out her website, read her blog, or look at her photography.

Also, If you would like to see more photos from our trip, check out the slideshow below.

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